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Australian Cypress

Wood Flooring Species

Scientific Name:

Callitris glauca

Other Names and Species:

Murray Pine
Murray River Cypress
Murray River Pine


New South Wales and Queensland, Australia


There is a high degree of color variability in Australian cypress, as the sapwood can be cream- or straw-colored, while the heartwood ranges from honey-gold to brown, with darker knots throughout to add character. For a warm, rustic, “country” look, Australian cypress is an excellent choice. Over time there may be some slight ambering or muting of color tones. It has a fine, lustrous texture with a typically straight grain. The wood has an aromatic camphor-like odor.


This species grows in a semi-arid area of Australia, which bestows on it the unique property of being the only commercial softwood that is actually harder than red oak — making it superior for both residential and commercial use. Because of its relative hardness and excellent durability, Australian cypress wood flooring has very good dimensional stability; however, in actual installations, significant movement can sometimes be seen.

Janka Hardness: 1375

Australian cypress is thirty-seven percent harder than teak, just slightly harder than white oak (one percent), five percent softer than hard maple, twenty-eight percent softer than jarrah, and about sixty-two percent as hard as santos mahogany’s ranking of 2200.


While Australian cypress has good sanding and machining qualities, like Brazilian cherry it can be brittle, so care must be taken when nailing.

Principal Uses:

This wood is most often used in light construction, such as flooring, siding, and joinery, as well as in decorative veneers and furniture components.

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